We help you earn the scores you need to succeed.
Premier Test Preparation and Private Tutoring.
Personalized 1-to-1
Elite-Level Performance
Time Management
Discover how we can help you!

Tutoring, Test Prep & Coaching
eCustomized 1-to-1 support to meet each students needs and goals. We teach most admissions tests and certification board exams as well as many academic topics for high school, college and graduate-level coursework. We also offer Test Anxiety Relief & Confidence Building Coaching. Our experienced tutors and coaches are ready to help!

We offer robust test prep, Regents and AP Exam workshops for organizations serving middle and high school students. We are a certified MWBE (New York State and New York City) women-owned business. We also offer Speed Reading Workshops & Mindset Clinics for students, parents and educators.

Speed Reading Training (in person and through our online platform, MindFlow), Downloadable Materials and Mindset Upgrade Audio Guides to help you excel in school and on your next test. Free webinars to help restore emotional regulation for high stakes tests.
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Our Expertise
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We’re excited to help get you there! City Test Prep provides live online SSAT and SAT tutoring to students worldwide through online conferencing and in person with local tutors in select cities.
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Attending college opens doors to learning about yourself, others, and the world we share. It also is a time of networking and exploring career opportunities; plus, for many, it the most fun, rewarding, and formative/transformative time you will have in your young life!
Excited much?!?
A prerequisite of acceptance to a top undergraduate college or university is taking, and excelling, on the ACT or SAT. While the SAT remains the most commonly accepted standardized test for admission to undergraduate studies at universities and colleges in the United States, the ACT has gainined significant popularity. Having a high SAT or ACT test score gives you a distinct advantage and helps you gain admittance to the schools you’ve chosen.
At City Test Prep, we provide individualized comprehensive ACT test prep in person in select cities and remotely, live and one-to-one, via online conferencing. Our tutors have excellent ACT scores in the top percentile, and are experienced in teaching. Your tutor will ensure that you comprehend subject material, master essential test-taking skills, and are prepared to do your best on your ACT exam. In addition, we will help you build your confidence, develop an optimal mindset, and gain the inner tools to help you excel when it counts the most.
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The LSAT is an essential part of law school acceptance, and is considered one of the most important parts of your application. Therefore, earning your top score is one of the most important things you can do to guarantee acceptance into a top law school. At City Test Prep, we provide comprehensive LSAT test prep via live, one-on-one tutoring for our students as well as in person in select cities. Our tutors are experienced, have stellar LSAT scores, and have demonstrated their expertise in articulating LSAT material. They have a track record of translating their own success into that of our students.
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Test-taking often invokes anxiety and even panic in students because of pressures they face. At City Test Prep, we aim to minimize your test anxiety through practical tips and training that we provide to help you concentrate, retain and recall information more easily and to relax and think clearly and calmly during your test for optimal performance. We use specific mindful mental enhancement techniques drawn from evidence-based methods to optimize test-taking potential.
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We’re excited to help get you there! City Test Prep provides live online PSAT and SAT tutoring to students worldwide through online conferencing and in person with local tutors in select cities.
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The GRE can be considered the most versatile of standardized tests. If you’re seeking a masters or doctoral degree in graduate school, and now an MBA (business school) or JD (law school), you can take the GRE in many cases. Before you take the GRE, find out what score range the program you hope admittance to typically requires, and also if the program accepts this test. Often law and business schools accept the GRE, but may prefer the GMAT and LSAT, respectively. (As of fall 2017, a few top law schools [add link to blog] are also accepting the GRE as an alternative to the LSAT.) Performing well on the GRE test helps you gain admission to top programs and schools. We provide live, online GRE tutoring
to students worldwide through online conferencing
and teach in person in select cities as well.
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Passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is a three-step exam process that determines whether you are ready, and allowed, or not, to practice medicine in the United States, and determines whether you will be granted an MD.
At City Test Prep, we assist our students, future doctors, to prepare for and ace all the four component steps – Step 1, 2CK and CS, and 3. Each step is taken at a different stage in your medical career, often dependent on whether you study medicine in the domestic United States or abroad, and each requires different USMLE test prep.
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Help Your Child Prepare for High School Admission Tests
At City Test Prep, we provide comprehensive high school admissions test prep online via live, one-on-one tutoring for our students as well as in person in select cities.
We prepare students for the following high school admission tests:
COOP – use at primarily Catholic high schools (COOP)
HSPT – determines the selection, placement, admission, scholarship selection and curriculum placement students entering high school from different elementary schools (HSPT).
ISEE – eligibility for acceptance into the next level of an independent school
SHSAT – given to eighth and ninth grade students to determine admission to the city’s nine Specialized High Schools.
SSAT is a standardized test used by independent schools to measure academic performance and determine your child’s eligibility for acceptance into their school.
Our handpicked tutors are experienced in teaching our students. Your child’s tutor will work hands-on with your child to ensure that your child comprehends subject material, masters essential skills and is prepared to do the best on their exam. In addition, we will help your child build up confidence, develop a test-taking mindset and gain inner tools to excel. We can help your child plan and practice for their test so that your child performs well an exceeds your expectations. Whether you are the student looking for assistance or a parent seeking tutoring for your child, we can assist you at City Test Prep.
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The GMAT is a 3.5-hour exam that covers four sections – Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative and Verbal. You can select the order of sections in which you would like to take the exam. We provide live, online GMAT tutoring to students worldwide through online conferencing
and teach in person in select cities as well.
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Prepare for the MCAT Exam with City Test Prep. Eager to become a doctor? Passing the MCAT is an essential prerequisite to getting into medical school in the United States. Performing well on the MCAT exam proves that you have met psychometric medical standards consistent with current practice described in detail by the AAMC, the Association of American Medical Colleges. The MCAT or Medical College Admission Test is a standardized, multiple-choice exam that assess your ability to solve problems, think critically and apply science concepts and principles necessary for the study of medicine.
At City Test Prep, we can assist you in preparing for the MCAT exam. Scoring well on any MCAT exam requires rigorous and thorough MCAT test prep. At City Test Prep, we guide students to high performance and gaining admission into the best academic colleges nationwide. Students come to us also to help improve their scores on standardized tests, perform better and exceed their own expectations.
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Ready to join a U.S. college or graduate school but need help with your English? Preparing for and taking the TOEFL or Test of English as a Foreign Language exam, can demonstrate your English proficiency while also giving you the confidence to communicate in any situation.
The TOEFL exam is a widely accepted, standardized test administered by ETS that is used to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in English-speaking universities. In use in more than 10,000 colleges worldwide, your TOEFL exam results are valid for two years and demonstrate your skills in reading, listening, speaking and writing in the English language. At City Test Prep, we can assist you in preparing for the TOEFL exam wherever you are. We provide live tutoring one-on-one via Skype at your convenience.
While the TOEFL does not have any prerequisites, passing and excelling on the TOEFL exam requires English proficiency that cannot be faked. You can take the TOEFL exam at any one of of the 4,500 test centers available worldwide.
Scoring well on the TOEFL exam requires rigorous and thorough TOEFL test prep. At City Test Prep, we guide students to high performance and gaining admission into the best academic colleges nationwide. Students come to us also to help improve their scores on standardized tests, perform better and exceed their own expectations.
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We’re excited to help Graduates and Professionals. City Test Prep provides live online tutoring worldwide through online conferencing and in person with local tutors in select cities.
Our Approach
We work with students of all ages to help them prepare for and excel on standardized tests. At City Test Prep, our tutors work hands-on with students individually to exceed their expectations.
Whether you’re struggling with specific test content, best methods in test-taking strategy, cannot shake anxiety, or enter an optimal mindset, CTP’s private tutoring, Full Potential coaching, workshops, and education products can help you meet your score goals.
By enrolling in our 1-to-1 tutoring, you will:
- Receive a structured personalized learning program to improve your weaknesses and eliminate your deficiencies.
- Gain full access to our expert tutors and experienced staff anytime, anywhere… we’ll even come to you.
- Learn the core principles of the Full Potential Method, our exclusive and evidenced-based methods necessary to perform your best on test-day.
Getting Started is Easy
A Free 15-Min Consult with one of our Test Prep Experts
An initial call, where we discuss your current situation, performance, and goals.
Evaluate your Performance
Your Diagnostic Test and Our Evaluation
Start your Individual Action Plan
Your customized program to master content, employ best test-taking strategy, manage time most effectively, and embody an optimal mindset
Each student masters content, learns best methods in test-taking strategy, eliminates anxiety, increases confidence, and scores his or her best.
We are the only education company to fuse academic and standardized test preparation with mindful mental enhancement techniques to optimize test-taking potential. We are to students what sports psychologists and trainers are to high performing athletes.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do we work?
After an initial call, where we discuss your current situation, timing, history with test-taking/study, and goals, we evaluate your performance through an actual diagnostic and/or test-quiz, a speed-reading assessment, and an in-depth intake about your self-perceptions and emotional experience and mindset as a test-taker. This data indicates your present skill level with content, including whether you’re using time most efficiently, and hopes us to identify not only ‘what’ kinds of questions you answer incorrectly, but “how’ you answer them, in order to design your optimal study plan. Your intake responses gauge whether you have a negative perception about taking tests, and we create a protocol on how you can improve your mindset and attitude when taking your upcoming test. Along with methods to improve time management, this multi-prong approach, addresses the content, strategies, and the duration needed, for you to improve performance. With this integrative and comprehensive understanding of your performance, we match you with the ideal test expert(s) and/or coaches from our team to improve your performance.
When and when can I meet with the tutor?
We work nationwide and internationally! We offer flexible 1-to-1 online-based tutoring or in person, in select cities. Online meetings take place over video conferencing where students share a whiteboard and video screen.
How many sessions will I need?
Your study program varies based on the your needs, goals, and timing, and is along a spectrum. We recommend sessions be at least 1.5 hours, and less than 2.5 hours, with session duration and timing customized to the student’s needs
When students’ scores have plateaued and they need something akin to ‘finishing school’ we are able to provide nuanced support: from improving your performance on the most difficult, hexing questions, improvements on targeted areas, to improving your mindset. Depending on your starting point and goals, your study plan could include just a few targeted hours to many. If you are already scoring high, but need a more competitive score to improve your candidacy or it could help getting you off a wait list, you likely need less time with a tutor, but a substantial amount of time doing homework and practice, to ensure you understand, practice and integrate potent information and skills.
Why City Test Prep?
CTP offers the only test preparation that takes an integrative approach, and thus provides the most comprehensive approach to improving your score. We carefully consider your goals and timing, match you with the most experienced tutors who not only earn top-scores on the tests they tutor, but also translate their own success into that of our students. Further, because tests don’t only measure what you know, but how you take tests, we consider your strategy, reading speed, time management and mindset, in order to ensure you enter the test feeling calm, confident, and focused.
Let us help you
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We will connect you with the very best tutors for your admissions test or board exam.
Our tutors nationwide are ready to help you!