Prepare for the LSAT with City Test Prep
We provide live, online LSAT tutoring
to students worldwide through online conferencing
and teach in select cities as well
In-person or Online / Live 1-to-1. We have a successful track record in helping students score in the top percentile even after working with other test prep companies.
Whether you’re looking for academic tutoring, standardized test prep, or help passing the medical boards, City Test Prep helps you earn the scores you need to succeed.
City Test Prep is the umbrella company for Test Prep New York and Test Prep San Francisco.
Maximize Your Score, Minimize Your Stress
Live, One-to-One Premier Tutoring
Nationwide Individualized Test Prep and High Performance Coaching
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We will connect you with the very best tutors for your LSAT.
Our tutors are nationwide and ready to help you!
Prepare for the LSAT
The LSAT is an essential part of law school acceptance, and is considered one of the most important parts of your application. Therefore, earning your top score is one of the most important things you can do to guarantee acceptance into a top law school. At City Test Prep, we provide comprehensive LSAT test prep via live, one-on-one tutoring for our students as well as in person in select cities. Our tutors are experienced, have stellar LSAT scores, and have demonstrated their expertise in articulating LSAT material. They have a track record of translating their own success into that of our students.
The LSAT was designed to indicate the likelihood of your success in law school and in the field of law. LSAT scores range from 120 to 180. All LSAT questions are weighted equally. When considering the LSAT, schools do not look at your top score. Rather, they take an average of all your scores. For this reason, it’s extremely important to take the test as few times as possible, getting the highest score you can.
The LSAT is a half-day test that is administered at LSAC test centers all over the world. While some schools accept the GRE in lieu of the LSAT, taking the LSAT still gives you more flexibility as it is the universally accepted standardized test for admission. Law schools in the United States, Canada, and numerous other countries accept it as their admissions test.
As of 2019, the LSAT switched from a paper-and-pencil format to a now digital format taken on a tablet administered by LSAC at an LSAC testing center. It is identical to the paper-and-pencil version, and like before, there is always one experimental section.
COVID-19 Update: To accomodate to the changing circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, LSAC is now offering the LSAT-flex, which is a completely online test that can be taken on the test-taker’s own computer or laptop.
The LSAT is different from most other standardized tests in that it doesn’t test knowledge; rather, it measures skills. For this reason, it’s important to work with a tutor who understands the test, has superior teaching and communication skills, and is someone you can best learn from. Learning LSAT skills is different from acquiring knowledge. An LSAT student first learns methods and sequences for addressing question types. The student must then, after a lot of practice, not only master the material, but also retain the flexibility to adapt as needed. This is because no test repeats the same sequencing or movement through the material.
Why us?
At City Test Prep, we provide comprehensive LSAT test prep through online conferencing via live, one-on-one tutoring for our students as well as in person in select cities. Our tutors earned excellent LSAT scores in the top percentile, and are experienced in teaching. Your tutor will work hands-on with you to perform your best on your LSAT exam. In addition, we will help you build your confidence, improve your test-taking mindset, and help you develop the inner tools to support you in excelling on your test.
Step 1. Evaluating your LSAT Performance: Your Diagnostic Test
At City Test Prep, we believe the first step in understanding your performance on any test is through evaluating a diagnostic test. Ideally, we’ll look at a test that you’ve taken (or will take) by LSAC, the folks who make the LSAT. This provides a no-pressure opportunity for you to take an “LSAT test drive” to gauge your present skill level on the LSAT, chart your strengths and weaknesses, and for us to understand not only ‘what’ questions you answer incorrectly, but also ‘how’ you answer questions incorrectly. For many students, taking this LSAT practice test may be the first exposure to the LSAT. From this, we can create an action plan which accommodates your skill level, schedule, goals, and test date.
If you’re still considering whether LSAT is the right test for you to take, and are taking the GRE to get into your program of study, we recommend you take a GRE diagnostic test, for comparison. We will help you determine which test to take by evaluating your performance, score, areas of weakness, and how your programs frame taking one test or the other.
Considerate, Handpicked Tutors
After we analyze your diagnostic test results, we will match you up with the right LSAT test expert from our team. He or she will assist you in improving in the question types you struggle with. Our tutors have on average 5 to 10 years of experience teaching the LSAT, boast high LSAT scores themselves, and some might even be professionals in the law field. They know first-hand what is needed to excel at the LSAT and are able to translate their own success into that of our students. Our tutors are excellent communicators, and are considerate of your learning style, personality, and preferences.
Your Individual Game Plan
Our accomplished and caring tutors at City Test Prep will work hands on with you to address your individual concerns and ensure that you master essential skills. Each student has an individual plan unique to his or her own needs. Students take timed diagnostic tests to gauge improvement and have ongoing meetings, evaluations, and homework assignments throughout our study time together. We assist students who are taking the LSAT for the first time as well as students who come to us for help in raising their LSAT scores and performing better. After working with us, students consistently perform better and exceed their expectations.
We also take inventory of how you ‘feel’ when taking high stakes tests. After all, tests don’t only measure how much you know. They also measure how well you take tests.
Our Approach at City Test Prep
Top Schools Require Top LSAT Scores
Here is a list of the top law schools and corresponding LSAT scores as of 2018 according to the U.S. News & World Report.
Doing your best on a standardized test requires meeting or exceeding what is expected of you, and this is helped with feelings of confidence. Our approach for the LSAT is three-fold: comprehensive mastery of the practical strategies and sequencing necessary for answering in a way the test rewards, improved time management, and facility with techniques to help you perform at your best and with confidence, feeling focused and relaxed. Our tutors work one-on-one with LSAT students to develop their knowledge base, as well as the inner tools and test taking skills for test taking success.
“We are to students what sports psychologists and trainers are to high performing athletes.”
Bara Sapir, CEO/Founder CTP
Reduce Test Anxiety, Think Clearly, and Perform at Your Best on the LSAT
Test taking often invokes anxiety and even panic in students because of pressures they face. At City Test Prep, we aim to minimize your test anxiety through practical tips and holistic and mindful training that we provide to help you concentrate, retain and recall information more easily, and to relax and think clearly, and calmly, during your test for optimal performance. We use specific mental enhancement techniques that we developed to optimize test taking potential.
Time Management and Reading Speed
Time management and your reading speed is an important aspect of succeeding on the LSAT. Reading slow thwarts your performance. Since 80% of what you are tested on in the Reading Comprehension section comes from 20% of what you read, you need to utilize a different approach. We’ve identified the bad habits that accompany reading, and teach you ways to increase your reading speed up to 5x. It’s consistently a game changer. (Link to Mindflow)
Our Tutors
Successful tutoring requires academic abilities, empathy, and the ability to communicate well. Our tutors are well experienced working with students and have performed with the top LSAT scores. They are passionate about the subjects they teach, patient with students, and work diligently to achieve your individual goals.
We provide live, online standardized tutoring to students worldwide. Learn more about City Test Prep [link to about page]
Maximize Your Scores, Minimize Your Stress
More on the LSAT
The LSAT is a paper test that consists of five sections of multiple-choice questions. Four of the five sections contribute to the test taker’s score. These sections include one Reading Comprehension section, one Analytical Reasoning section, and two Logical Reasoning sections. The unscored section, commonly referred to as the variable or experimental section, typically is used to pretest future test questions. The placement of this section varies and is unidentifiable. A 35-minute, unscored writing sample is administered at the end of the test. This last section is sent to all law schools that you apply to.
LSAT Format
The LSAT primary sections are all multiple choice.
Reading Comprehension
This section measures your ability to read and understand essays of lengthy and complex material, similar to those you would experience in the field of law.
Analytical Reasoning
This section measures your ability to understand relationship structures and to draw logical conclusions and inferences about how the information presented functions. This is often referred to as the ‘games’ section, because it involves creating visual representations, charts, and symbols to understand how things move through and/or relate to each other, rather than following linear reasoning.
Logical Reasoning
This section measures your ability to analyze, evaluate, and complete “arguments” as they occur in ordinary, albeit pithy, language.
Optimize Your LSAT Test-Taking Performance with City Test Prep
We can help you mentally prepare for your LSAT exam, master LSAT-specific techniques, and assist you in any area you need guidance, teaching, or support. Take your LSAT test relaxed, confident, and fully prepared. Perform at your best!
“I contacted City Test Prep after studying with three larger test-prep programs and taking my test three times with continued disappointing results. After only four hours of City Test Prep’s Full Potential® method, I gained confidence, learned to channel my energy and mental state into a positive zone, eliminated anxiety, and was completely relaxed and prepared on test day. Most important, my score increased by 80 points! I highly recommend City Test Prep to anyone who really wants to reach their potential and get the score they need.”

Premier Tests Preparation and Private Tutoring
Each student masters content, learns best methods in test-taking strategy, eliminates anxiety, increases confidence, and scores his or her best.
We are the only education company to fuse academic and standardized test preparation with mindful mental enhancement techniques to optimize test-taking potential. We are to students what sports psychologists and trainers are to high-performing athletes.
Yoga for your Mind
Does test-taking make you sweat? Does your mind wander? Is your mantra that you were “never a good test taker?” We can help. Lower your Test Stress, Improve your Focus, and Enhance Performance!