Prepare for the NBDE
Exam with City Test Prep

We provide live, online NBDE tutoring
to students worldwide through online conferencing
and teach in person in select cities as well
  • In-person or Online / Live 1-to-1. We have a successful track record helping students score into the top percentile even after working with other test prep companies.

  • Whether you’re looking for academic tutoring, standardized test prep, or help passing the medical boards, City Test Prep helps you earn the scores you need to succeed.

  • City Test Prep is the umbrella company for Test Prep New York and Test Prep San Francisco.

Maximize Your Score, Minimize Your Stress

Live, One-on-One Premier Tutoring

Nationwide Individualized Test Prep and High Performance Coaching

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Exceed Your Expectations

Prepare for the NBDE Exam with City Test Prep

Future dentists take the National Board Dental Examination or NBDE exam in the United States. This exam is required for getting a license in the United States and also for postgraduate studies. It is also used to assess your knowledge of basic dental hygiene information, including biomedical, dental, and dental hygiene sciences.

Performing well on the NBDE exam proves that you have met psychometric dental standards consistent with current practice described in detail by the ADA, the American Dental Association. The exam is a standardized, multiple-choice exam in English that assesses your ability to solve problems, think critically and apply science concepts and principles necessary for the study of dentistry. It covers four areas: Natural Sciences, Perceptual Ability, Reading Comprehension and Quantitative Reasoning. The NBDE exam is a three-hour exam that measures academic ability, scientific understanding, and perceptual ability.

At City Test Prep, we can assist you in preparing for the NBDE exam. Scoring well on the NBDE exam requires rigorous and thorough NBDE test prep. At City Test Prep, we guide students to high performance and gaining admission into the best academic colleges nationwide. Students come to us also to help improve their scores on standardized tests, perform better, and exceed their own expectations.

Receive Outstanding Tutoring and Coaching: In-person and Online, Tailored To You

Our Approach at City Test Prep

Doing your best on a standardized test requires knowledge of the subject, what’s expected of you and confidence in your own ability to take the exam at the test center. Our approach is two-fold – comprehensive study of core content and practical strategies necessary for mastering the subject, and relaxation techniques to help you perform at your best with confidence. Our tutors work one-to-one with students. We help our students develop the inner tools and test-taking skills for their success.

Reduce Test Anxiety, Think Clearly and Perform at Your Best on the NBDE

Test-taking often invokes anxiety and even panic in students because of pressures they face. At City Test Prep, we aim to minimize your test anxiety through practical tips and training that we provide to help you concentrate, retain and recall information more easily and to relax and think clearly and calmly during your test for optimal performance. We use specific mindful mental enhancement techniques that  to optimize test-taking potential. 

Receive Outstanding, In-Person Tutoring Tailored To You

Learn More About City Test Prep

More on the NBDE
Learn more at Download the sample guide here.


Register for the NBDE
Learn more about registration here, review guidelines here.
Optimize Your Test-Taking Performance with City Test Prep

We can help you mentally prepare for your NBDE exam, master core content, and assist you in any area you need guidance, teaching or support. Sit down to take your NBDE, relaxed, confident and prepared. Perform at your best!

I am a currently a graduate student who recently returned to academics after ten years. Much has changed in education over that time. That along with working full time and a long history of test taking anxiety left me worried about my performance returning to school. Writing papers, and even doing power point presentations has always been easy for me compared to taking exams. I am a good student. I read and comprehend assignments, but my mind just blanks while taking exams. The Full Potential audio taught me how to focus my mind and relax while taking exams, and my GPA is 3.80. The proof is in the pudding. I can’t thank Ms. Sapir and CTP enough for her program.

Sandi, Nurse Practitioner student

Bara’s unique approach helped me open up and feel comfortable with my test. She changed my attitude in attacking my problem areas, which refined my approach and strategy. As a result, not only did I relax, but after a couple of months my score improved dramatically and I exceeded my desired goals.

Brian, Associate
Capital Markets, Citigroup
New York University

Premier Test Preparation and Private Tutoring

Each student masters content, learns best methods in test-taking strategy, eliminates anxiety, increases confidence, and scores his or her best.

We are the only education company to fuse academic and standardized test preparation with mindful mental enhancement techniques to optimize test-taking potential. We are to students what sports psychologists and trainers are to high performing athletes.

Yoga for the Mind

Does test-taking you sweat? Does you mind wander? Does you want to do better?
We can help. Lower your Test Stress, Improve your Focus and Enhace Performance!