Prepare for the USMLE Medical Exam (Step I, Step 2, Step 3) with City Test Prep
We provide live, online USMLE tutoring
to students worldwide through online conferencing
and teach in person in select cities as well
Prepare for the USMLE Medical Exam with City Test Prep
Passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is a three-step exam process that determines whether you are ready, and allowed, or not, to practice medicine in the United States, and determines whether you will be granted an MD.
At City Test Prep, we assist our students, future doctors, to prepare for and ace all the four component steps – Step 1, 2CK and CS, and 3. Each step is taken at a different stage in your medical career, often dependent on whether you study medicine in the domestic United States or abroad, and each requires different USMLE test prep.
The content on the USMLE exam is based upon knowledge of various aspects you’re taught in medical school, your understanding of the interrelatedness of this material, skills and your response to real-life patient scenarios. In preparing for your USMLE exam, it is helpful to consider each step as its own individual exam.
Scoring well on the USMLE requires rigorous and thorough test preparation. There is a lot of material to learn, know, and organize. At City Test Prep, we guide students to competency with the test, optimal performance and mindset. Statistically, students improve their scores and performance the most by a customized approach, using the the diagnostic material a student has completed, to evaluate their needs sets.
In-person or Online / Live 1-to-1. We have a successful track record helping students score into the top percentile even after working with other test prep companies.
Whether you’re looking for academic tutoring, standardized test prep, or help passing the medical boards, City Test Prep helps you earn the scores you need to succeed.
City Test Prep is the umbrella company for Test Prep New York and Test Prep San Francisco.
Maximize Your USMLE Score, Minimize Your Stress
Live, One-to-One Premier Tutoring
Nationwide Individualized Test Prep and High Performance Coaching
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Our Approach at City Test Prep
Doing your best on a standardized test requires knowledge of the subject, what’s expected of you, and confidence in your own ability to take the exam at the test center. In general, our approach for improving your USMLE score requires mastery and organization of content, practical strategies necessary for mastering each subject area, and relaxation techniques to ensure you feel confident and perform at your best.
Our tutors work one-on-one with students to develop the inner resources and tools for test-taking success.
“We are to students what sports psychologists and trainers are to high performing athletes.”
Reduce Test Anxiety, Think Clearly, and Perform at Your Best on the USMLE
Test-taking often invokes anxiety and even panic in students because of pressures they face. At City Test Prep, we aim to minimize your test anxiety through practical tips and training that we provide to help you concentrate, retain and recall information more easily, and to relax and think clearly and calmly during your test for optimal performance. We use specific mindful mental enhancement techniques that to optimize test-taking potential.
Our Tutors
Successful tutoring requires academic abilities, empathy, and the ability to communicate effectively. Our tutors are well experienced working with students over the years and have performed in the top percentiles of standardized tests. Our USMLE tutors are medical school students, residents or doctors, each passionate about the subjects they teach, patient with students, and work carefully and diligently to help you achieve your score goals. They have all relatively recently prepared for and taken the USMLE while also tutoring or teaching at their medical school and in prior experiences. They are optimally positioned to help you do your best with the current knowledge and experience.
We provide live, online individualized USMLE tutoring to students worldwide, and in person in select cities. Learn more about City Test Prep [link to about page]
Maximize Your Scores, Minimize Your Stress
More on the USMLE
The USMLE consists of three individual steps. You can consider each step as its own individual exam that requires significant test preparation, however, as we teach each, we emphasize that each step builds on the next in developing your way of thinking and engaging with the material.
USMLE Step 1:
Step 1 tests your knowledge and understanding of basic health sciences including, among other things, how various systems of the body function and interrelate. The benefit of studying for this test, is that subsequent tests mirror the critical thinking and engagement with concepts similiarly. Likewise, you’ll likely use this kind of thinking as a health care professional.
Test preparation time for the USMLE Step 1 is between 3-9 months. The USMLE Step 1 is a one-day computer exam typically taken by U.S. medical students at the end of their second year of medical school. It is also taken by international medical graduates who may be licensed doctors in their home countries, but also wish to practice medicine in the United States. Step 1 consists of 325 multiple-choice questions, broken down into seven 60-minute blocks, administered in one eight-hour testing session.
USMLE Step 2 CS and CK:
The Step 2 CS exam tests your application of medical skills and manner under doctor supervision and includes interactive patient scenarios with an accompanying series of questions and topics in random order. Test preparation time for the USMLE Step 2 is typically between 4-6 months. In Step 2 CS, you will have simulated 12 patient cases (10 min each with the patient, 10 min for your notes) administered at a testing center in the United States where you are evaluated on your abilities in being patient-centered (bedside manner), to communicate clearly and compassionately with patients, and how you document these patient encounters. This is a pass/fail exam.
Step 2 CK is more similar to the Step 1, but covers different material. It consists of 350 questions, broken down eight 60- minute blocks, administered in one nine-hour testing session.
USMLE Step 3
The USMLE Step 3 is the final test and usually taken after the medical student’s acceptance into a residency program. International medical graduates may also find it useful to take Step 3 pre-residency. This exam evaluates your ability to evaluate a patient’s medical history and physical exam information, order diagnostic tests, select initial therapies, and patient management.
This exam is a two-day computerized exam with 470 multiple-choice questions divided into 45- and 60-minute blocks, each containing 35 to 50 questions. There are also 9-12 computer-based case simulations, each 10 to 20 minutes long. Step 3 is administered in two eight-hour testing sessions.
Register for the USMLE
Choose your USMLE test date, download test questions and practice materials here. See Test Centers and Dates here.
Optimize Your Test-Taking Performance with City Test Prep
We help you mentally prepare for your USMLE exam, master content, and assist you in any area you need guidance, teaching, or support. Take your all your USMLE Steps, relaxed, confident, and fully prepared.
“I contacted City Test Prep after studying with three larger test-prep programs and taking my test three times with continued disappointing results. After only four hours of City Test Prep’s Full Potential® method, I gained confidence, learned to channel my energy and mental state into a positive zone, eliminated anxiety, and was completely relaxed and prepared on test day. Most important, my score increased by 80 points! I highly recommend City Test Prep to anyone who really wants to reach their potential and get the score they need.”
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We’re excited to help get you there! City Test Prep provides live online SAT tutoring to students worldwide and in person with local tutors in select cities.

Premier Tests Preparation and Private Tutoring
We are the only education company to fuse academic and standardized test preparation with mindful mental enhancement techniques to optimize test-taking potential. We are to students what sports psychologists and trainers are to high performing athletes.
Yoga for the Mind
Does test-taking make you sweat? Does your mind wander? Do you want to do better? Is your mantra that you “never do well on standardized tests?” We can help. Lower your Test Stress, Improve your Focus, Enhance Performance, and Score your Best!