Prepare for High School Admissions Tests with City Test Prep

We provide live in-person tutoring
to students in select cities, as well as worldwide
support through online conferencing


  • In-person or Online / Live 1-to-1. We have a successful track record helping students score into the top percentile even after working with other test prep companies.

  • Optimize your score through our four pillars of success: master content, use best test-taking strategies, effectively manage time, and embody an optimal mindset. All you need to earn the scores you need to succeed.

  • City Test Prep is the umbrella company for Test Prep New York and Test Prep San Francisco.

Maximize Your Score, Minimize Your Stress

Live, One-to-One Premier Tutoring

Individualized Test Prep and High Performance Coaching. Nationwide.

Contact Us – Let Us Help You

Fill out the form or call us at 646-290-7440.

We will connect you with the very best tutors for your admissions test or board exam.

Our tutors nationwide are ready to help you!

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forHelp Your Child Prepare for High School Admission Tests

At City Test Prep, we provide comprehensive high school admissions test prep online via live, one-on-one tutoring for our students as well as in person in select cities.

We prepare students for the following high school admission tests:

COOP –  used primarily at Catholic high schools (COOP)
HSPT – determines the selection, placement, admission, scholarship selection and curriculum placement students entering high school from different elementary schools (HSPT).
ISEE – eligibility for acceptance into the next level of an independent school
SHSAT – given to eighth and ninth grade students to determine admission to New York City’s nine Specialized High Schools.
SSAT is a standardized test used by independent schools to measure academic performance and determine your child’s eligibility for acceptance into their school.

Our handpicked tutors are experienced in teaching our students. Your child’s tutor will work hands-on with your child to ensure that your child comprehends subject material, masters essential skills, and is prepared to do the best on their exam. In addition, we will help your child build up confidence, develop an optimal test-taking mindset, and gain the inner tools needed to excel. We can help your child plan and practice for their test so that your child performs well an exceeds your expectations. Whether you are the student looking for assistance or a parent seeking tutoring for your child, we can assist you at City Test Prep.

How we Work with Students

Step 1. Evaluate Performance: Your Diagnostic Test
At City Test Prep, we encourage the first step in understanding your child’s performance–on any test– is through evaluating a diagnostic test. Ideally, we’ll administer, have you proctor a official practice test or use a real test and the official results to drive data to gauge present skill level and understand strengths and weaknesses, to understand not only ‘what’, but also “how” one answers questions incorrectly. For many students, taking this practice test may be the first exposure to the test. From this evaluation, we can create an action plan which accommodates skill level, schedule, goals, and the test date.   

Handpicked, Versatile, and Devoted Test Prep Experts
After we evaluate test results, we match each student up with the most compatible test expert from our team. He or she will assist your child in improving the question types they struggle with and fortify the ways they are successfully performing. Our tutors have on average 5 to 10 years of experience teaching and are passionate about helping students excel. They are excellent communicators, considerate of your child’s learning style, differences, personality, and preferences.

An Individual Game Plan
Tutors at City Test Prep work hands on with to address individual concerns and ensure that each student masters test content, employs the best test-taking strategy, effectively manages time, and enters the test with an optimal mindset. Each student works from an individualized plan unique to his or her own needs. Students take timed diagnostic tests to gauge and chart improvement and have ongoing meetings, evaluations, and homework assignments throughout study time together. Our students consistently perform better, increase their scores, exceed their expectation, and learn skills like focus and confidence under pressure that extends beyond their testing experience.

We take inventory of how your child best learns and ‘feels’ when taking high-stakes tests. After all, tests don’t only measure how much we know; they also measure how well we take tests.

Want to know how your child best learns? Take our Learning Style Evaluation!

When it was time to prepare for college entrance exams, we wanted to give our son an edge and knew that he would not benefit from an “off the shelf” test course solution. He is very bright, played on two varsity teams, and would not be interested in preparing for months on end for the SATs and subject tests. City Test Prep was the perfect choice for us. Their hand-picked wonderful tutor was the perfect match for Jon. Scott motivated my son to really get into the work for a concentrated eight-week period. Scott just honed in on the areas that Jon needed to strengthen and his performance went up dramatically. He did not waste any time preparing Jon in areas that he already knew. In fact, Jon was so inspired that we saw positive results in his course work as well. The story has a thrilling ending; Jon got into the college of his dreams: The University of Wisconsin at Madison. His top test scores also resulted in unsolicited scholarship and honors program invitations from two other top schools. Bara and her team were the perfect collaboration partner to help our child achieve his full potential and feel confident about himself through a stressful time. They were also so thoughtful and professional, which gave me peace of mind. I recommended them to several other parents who also had positive experiences with their children.

Lisa, Parent of Heschel High School student

Optimized Test-Taking – Reduce Test Anxiety, Think Clearly, and Perform at Your Best


Test-taking often invokes anxiety and even panic in students. We help students mentally prepare for his or her exam, master core content and assist in any area that needs guidance, teaching, or support. We minimize test anxiety through specific mindful mental enhancement techniques that we developed to optimize test-taking potential. These promote concentration, retention, and recall information more easily. These improve concentration, retention, and recall of information more easily. They also increase relaxation, and thinking clearly and calm during ones test, for optimal performance. 

We provide live standardized tutoring to students worldwide through video conferencing or in person in select cities.

“We are to students what sports psychologists and personal trainers are to high-performing athletes.”

Our Tutors

Successful tutoring requires academic abilities, empathy and the ability to communicate well. Our tutors are well experienced working with students over the years and have performed in the top percentiles of HSPT standardized tests. They are passionate about the subjects they teach, patient with students, and work carefully to achieve individual goals.

We provide live, online standardized tutoring to students worldwide. Learn more about City Test Prep.

Maximize Your Scores, Minimize Your Stress

Premier Tests Preparation and Private Tutoring

Each student masters content, learns best methods in test-taking strategy, eliminates anxiety, increases confidence, and scores his or her best.

We are the only education company to fuse academic and standardized test preparation with mindful mental enhancement techniques to optimize test-taking potential. We are to students what sports psychologists and trainers are to high performing athletes.

Yoga for the Mind

Does test-taking you sweat? Does you mind wander? Do you want to do better?
We can help. Lower your Test Stress, Improve your Focus and Enhance Performance!